Following media reports that the UK government was considering excluding China General Nuclear from UK nuclear projects, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in London said on 27 July:

“We have noticed the relevant report. It remains to be confirmed whether such report is a complete and accurate reflection of the UK government position.”

The spokesperson added: “What needs to be pointed out is that Chinese nuclear energy companies have state-of-the-art technology and strong investment capabilities. The cooperation between China and the UK on nuclear energy is mutually beneficial. If such cooperation is to be suspended under duress, this will be against UK's interest in terms of benefiting from China's advanced technology and capital investment, developing clean energy to achieve its planned carbon neutrality goal and proving itself to be a credible global partner.

“We are firmly opposed to political interference or obstructions from a third party that restrict Chinese companies' normal access to the UK market. China-UK business cooperation has huge potential and serves the interests of both sides. We hope the UK side will provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for Chinese companies in this country.”