Two new sets of twin PWRs are to be built in China. One set will be at the Sanmen site in Zhejiang province, the other at the Yangjiang site in Guangdong.

Areva, Westinghouse and Atomstroyexport have been invited to bid for the $8 billion contract to supply the four steam generation systems specified to be of greater than 1000MWe capacity.

Westinghouse is expected to offer the AP1000 design, which has recently received design approval by US regulators. The design has been promoted in China by energy secretary Spencer Abraham and vice president Dick Cheney following a change from the US government’s former policy of restricting nuclear exports to China.

Areva has said it will offer to construct four 1600MWe European Pressurized Water Reactors. Early in October, French president Jacques Chirac toured China accompanied by a delegation of businessmen to promote French companies, including Areva.

In June this year, Areva signed an agreement of intent with the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Company to share expertise and provide assistance on two 1000MWe units at Ling Dong (phase 2 of the Ling Ao nuclear plant). In addition, another agreement of intent was signed with the China National Nuclear Corporation relating to assistance in constructing two more reactors at Qinshan phase 2 in the Zhejiang province.