The project for district heating from the Chinese Hongyanhe NPP is in the final stage of readiness, Sinatom has reported. The readiness of the demonstration project for the organisation of district heating from the Hongyanhe NPP in Liaoning Province is 95%. The station consists of six units commissioned in 2013-2022. CPR-1000 reactors are installed at the first four units, and ACPR-1000 reactors at units 5&6.

In March 2022, Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Company and State Power Investment Northeast Electric Power Company signed a cooperation agreement for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Hongyanhe NPP District Heating Demonstration Project. Heat from the plant will be supplied to the cities of Hunyanghe, Wafangdian and Dalian. The pre-planned and designed heating area will be 242,400 square metres, which will provide heating services to almost 20,000 residents. Work on the project began in July 2022 and should be completed by the end of October. The start of operation in hot mode is scheduled for 1 November, to reach temperatures that meet heating standards is expected on 5 November.

"Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Company" is responsible for the part of the project related directly to the NPP (including the construction of the primary circuit, which will be supplied with a heated working fluid from the turbine room). State Power Investment Northeast Electric Power Company, represented by its subsidiary Dalian Dafa Energy Branch, is responsible for the civil part of the project, including the necessary piping and heat exchangers.

Hongyanhe City, which will receive heat from the NPP, is 10km away from the plant. This is the first district heating project from a nuclear plant in the northeast of China. The most famous project of this kind in China is the project to heat the city of Haiyan in Shandong Province from the Haiyang NPP.

Image: The Hongyanghe nuclear plant (courtesy of China General Nuclear Power Corp)