MBIR under construction (Photo credit: Rosatom)The reactor vessel for Rosatom’s Multipurpose Fast Breeder Research Reactor (MBIR) research facility – which will be the world's largest fast neutron research reactor – will be delivered to site during the first quarter of 2022. 

The project has reached the reactor vessel delivery stage after Rosatom announced at a recent operational meeting that construction was 8% ahead of schedule at the end of 2021. 

“I am proud to announce that, despite the global economic challenges and ongoing coronavirus restrictions, we are working ahead of schedule. The swift installation of the reactor shaft equipment during 2021 has allowed us to get closer to the next stage – delivering the reactor vessel to the site. This was all possible due to effective project management, adopting world-leading technology and the skills of our construction workers, whom we thank for their continued hard work,” said Gennady Sakharov, Rosatom’s Director for Capital Investments, State Construction Supervision and State Expertise.

He also noted that swift progress made to date means that the reactor is now due to be completed one year early in 2027 and will  be available to international partners for research programmes in 2028.

Photo: MBIR under construction (Photo credit: Rosatom)