Supply contract award notice

Solid radioactive waste treatment facilities for Zaporozhye NPP Ukraine (fragmentation unit part 1/part 2, project No U1.03/06A3)

European Commission, Brussels, BELGIUM.

1. Publication reference:


2. Publication date of the procurement notice:


3. Lot number and lot title:

Not applicable.

4. Contract number and value:

Contract number 171966 for an amount of 1 212 750 EUR.

5. Date of award of the contract:


6. Number of tenders received:

5 tenders received.

7. Name, address and nationality of successful tenderer:

VUJE A.S., 5 Okruzna, 918 64 Trnava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC.

Nationality of company: Slovak.

8. Duration of contract:

18 months.

9. Contracting authority:

Energoatom, Kiev, UKRAINE.

10. Legal basis:

Council Regulation (EC) No 99/2000 of 29.12.1999 concerning the provision of assistance to the partner States in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005 of 21.11.2005 on access to Community external assistance.

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