German company PFALZSOLAR has won an international tender to build and operate a 21.5MW solar park on the site of the Borssele nuclear plant in the Netherlands.

Construction of the facility is expected to begin in the third quarter of 2019.

EPZ, the operator of the 515MW Borssele pressurised water reactor, started investing in renewables in 2003. It launched a tender for the construction and operation of a solar plant at the Borssele nuclear site in late 2018.

“With this solar park, we are not only expanding our generation capacity, but are also investing in regional climate protection and the energy transition," said Jos Weststrate, project manager at EPZ.

The electricity produced in the Borssele solar park is remunerated according to the Dutch SDE+ subsidy system over a period of 15 years. The park is expected to produce some 21GWh of electricity each year, which is theoretically enough to supply some 7000 average households, PFALZSOLAR said in a statment.

In addition to the Borssele project, PFALZSOLAR is building the 34MW Almere solar park in Flevoland, one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in the Netherlands.

Photo: A 21.5MW solar park will be built near Borssele nuclear plant (Credit: PFALZSOLAR)