$300 million zirconium contract

Westinghouse has been awarded a long-term contract valued in excess of $300 million to provide zirconium and hafnium products to GE Nuclear Energy. GE will use the material to produce tubing and components for use in commercial nuclear power plants. The material is refined and fabricated at the Western Zirconium facility in Ogden, Utah, a unit of the Westinghouse Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division.


Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL) has awarded a contract worth Cdn$10 million to CAE Electronics Ltd, to supply digital control computers for the Qinshan Project in China. The deal follows an CDN$16 million contract AECL awarded CAE Electronics in July to supply a simulator to Qinshan. AECL is building two 700 MWe CANDU-6 reactors at Qinshan, 125 km south of Shanghai.

Cimage selling well

Cimage Enterprise Systems (CES) are to provide electronic document management and workflow systems to two US utility firms. The Nuclear Business Unit of Public Service Electricity and Gas (PSE&G), based in New Jersey, will use the Cimage system for its document control and records management system for its Salem and Hope Creek stations.

TU electric has also signed a contract with Cimage to replace documentation and management systems at Commanche Peak station in Texas.

Duke to decommission teaching reactor

Duke Engineering & Services (DE&S) has won a contract to decommission Iowa State University’s Argonaut reactor. First loaded in 1959 the reactor has been a vital teaching tool for the university’s nuclear programme. DE&S will perform site characterisation, develop a decommissioning plan, carry out the decommissioning and produce a final status survey, scheduled for mid-2001.

GTS to clean up Big Rock Point

GTS Duratek has received a Letter of Intent from Consumers Energy for a contract for waste processing services related to the decommissioning of the Big Rock Point BWR station in Michigan. The contract will be in the region of $25 million, its precise value being defined by the quantity of radioactive material that will need to be handled.

GTS Duratek will provide on-site management, packaging, transportation, processing and disposal service.


Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) has signed an agreement with Westinghouse to manufacture Westinghouse designed 16×16 fuel assemblies under licence for the Angra 1 nuclear power plant. Westinghouse will provide technology and support information for INB, which will produce the assemblies at its plant in Resende, Brazil. James Fici, Westinghouse vice-President, and Roberto Nogueira de Franca, president of INB, both hailed the agreement as a benchmark in co-operation between countries at different stages of development.

OHM to clean up Rocky Flats

OHM Remediation Services, a subsidiary of International Technology Corporation (ITC), has won a 5 year US Department of Energy contract which could be worth $125 million over five years. The contract requires OHM to investigate and clean up areas at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site in Colorado which may be chemically or radioactively contaminated.

ITC has given a contract to Commodore Applied Technologies (CAT) to use Commodore’s SET process in the remediation work. CAT’s subsidiary Commodore Advanced Sciences will also provide OHM with decontamination, decommissioning, waste management and facility characterisation services.

According to the company, Commodore’s SET process is effective in destroying hazardous chemicals and leaves radioactive material in a suitable state for disposal.

The US Department of Energy’s most recent estimate for the cost of cleaning up nuclear sites is $227 billion over the next 20 years.

B&W Canada SG’s for Calvert Cliffs

Babcock & Wilcox Canada, a unit of McDermott International, Inc, will manufacture four steam generators for the Baltimore Gas and Electric’s Calvert Cliffs two-unit nuclear power station (2 x 850 MWe PWRs) in Maryland. The contract is valued at nearly $100 million. It was awarded to B&W Canada by The Steam Generating Team Ltd, a joint venture of Morrison Knudsen and Duke Engineering & Services.

BG&E has applied for a 20-year extension of Calvert Cliffs’ operating licence.

SKF upgrades monitoring at heysham

SKF Engineering Products is to upgrade the monitoring system for the gas circulators at the Heysham 2 AGR in the UK. The plant’s eight gas circulators operating with CO2 at 50 bar and 635°C raise the steam. SKF’s new M800A system supercedes the M700 series currently in place at Heysham. The new system offers constant monitoring and warning systems ith a greater sensitivity than the previous equipment. The monitors provide information on vibration, position, speed and process inputs.

Tecnatom qualifies for us inspections

The equipment and techniques used by the Spanish company Tecnatom to inspect power reactor vessels have successfully passed the examinations required to be qualified through the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) at the EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) facilities in Charlotte.

This qualification is required to perform PV inspections in the USA and Canada, and is recognised worldwide.

Tecnatom designed and manufactures the SUMIAD and MASERA UT data acquisition systems.

Wackenhut strikes deal with Florida L&P

The Wackenhut Corp has won a five year contract for security services at the Turkey Point and St Lucie plants in Florida. The contract is worth in the region of $40 million. Both sites are operated by Florida Light & Power.

Wackenhut now provides security services at 18 nuclear power plants throughout the US. It also has contracts with several federal installations dealing with nuclear processing and manufacturing.

Thermo Remediation extension at Hanford

Environmental services company Thermo Remediation (TR) has received a $30 million subcontract extension from Bechtel Hanford Inc for restoration work at the US Department of Energy site at Hanford, Washington. TR began clean-up work at Hanford in July 1994. The current agreement was due to expire in June 1999, but the extension means TR will continue to work at the site until 2002.