The installation of the instrumentation and control systems has started at the unit 1 of the Leningrad II nuclear power plant under construction in Sosnovy Bor, according to nuclear utility Rosenergoatom.

Some 80% of the equipment has already been delivered to the site. The work comprises installation of data cables, including optical cables, linking sensors with electronic and electrical control cabinets and linking the cabinets with control room equipment, a spokesman said. He added that the main task is to finish the upper control panel and to connect all the automated workstations, cable harness systems and unit subsystems. The work is expected to be completed by May 2016, Rosenergoatom said.

Leningrad II 1 is a VVER-1000/491 nuclear unit with an electrical power capacity of 1,000 MWe. Start-up is slated for 2017.

Unsealed reactor filling tests are expected to start in late March, according to Rosenergoatom.