At the conclusion of the SMR Day hosted by Russia the UN's COP28 climate change conference, Rosatom presented the concept for constructing a small modular reactor (SMR) in Mongolia to Dalaijargal Dorjbal, Executive Director of Mongolian state company MonAtom. The ceremony marked the development of cooperation between Rosatom and foreign partners and confirmed the demand for SMR technologies in international energy markets.

Mongolia has substantial known uranium resources, but no nuclear energy as yet, although it has been exploring tentative plans with three possible sites under consideration.

In June, Rosatom and the Mongolian company Dayan Deerkh Energy Ltd signed an agreement on strategic cooperation for the joint implementation of projects in the field of nuclear, wind and hydropower, aimed at ensuring the energy independence of Mongolia. In 2018, Rosatom and the Nuclear Energy Commission of Mongolia signed a memorandum of cooperation for the construction in Mongolia of a Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST). Russian specialists agreed to assist in determining preliminary requirements, and the configuration of CNST facilities and an initial roadmap is being drawn up for the project.

Image courtesy of Rosatom