Scientists and technical experts have completed their assessment of the various options shortlisted by the UK’s Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM). The body is now inviting stakeholders to comment on their findings before final recommendations are made in July.

Nearly 200 experts have been involved in advising CoRWM on various technical issues associated with the shortlisted options, formally assessing how each option performs against 11 headline criteria, including impact on the environment, safety, security, cost, feasibility and the burden on future generations. A less formal citizen’s panel has also provided a layman’s viewpoint on which criteria are important.

Most of the different waste management options performed the same or very similarly across most of the different criteria. They also found that none of the options performed consistently high or low against all the sub-criteria.

The four shortlisted options are:

  • Interim storage.
  • Deep geological disposal.
  • Phased deep geological disposal.
  • Near surface disposal.