Country averages as at end June 2000
Country No of reactors Average load factor Lifetime load factor Lifetime Total Reactor
    for 12 months to end June 2000 to end June 2000 TWh generated MWe years
Belgium 7 89.4 83.0 806.2 6019 142.3
Bulgaria 4 58.7 62.7 222.7 1760 88.5
Canada 21 52.0 71.6 1613.4 15805 373.0
Czech Republic 4 82.9 79.8 177.7 1804 56.7
Finland 4 93.1 87.0 392.9 2760 85.3
France 55 71.2 68.3 5676.0 60152 910.1
Germany 19 86.8 78.6 2740.1 22224 372.8
Hungary 4 86.5 85.6 204.9 1854 60.2
India 10 66.4 47.3 151.4 2270 174.2
Japan 52 80.6 74.2 4436.8 45082 885.2
Korea 16 87.5 80.8 953.5 13924 161.2
Slovakia 4 64.3 73.4 204.0 1760 72.8
Spain 9 92.1 79.0 865.0 7799 169.2
Sweden 11 74.3 72.6 1262.5 9855 237.8
Switzerland 5 88.1 83.8 515.9 3328 126.3
Taiwan 6 86.6 73.3 606.8 5144 113.1
UK 27 57.6 60.3 1573.9 14648 652.9
USA 102 85.2 67.4 11405.6 102408 2104.3

Countries With less than four units in operation
Argentina 2 68.4 74.4 136.0 1015 43.6
Brazil 1 60.6 29.9 31.4 657 18.3
Lithuania 2 34.6 51.3 197.0 3000 29.5
Mexico 2 67.2 70.4 69.7 1364 16.9
Netherlands 1 90.3 80.2 90.7 481 27.0
Romania 1 83.1 82.6 20.3 707 4.0
Slovenia 1 79.5 73.8 80.5 664 18.8
South Africa 2 76.2 63.4 167.0 1930 31.3