The digital control system for China’s demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled – pebble bed module (HTR-PM) reactor successfully passed factory acceptance tests and will now be sent to the construction site at Shidaowan in Shandong province, China General Nuclear said on 8 April. The system was produced by Beijing CTEC System Engineering Company. The digital control system will be responsible for the entire operation, monitoring and management of the reactor. Construction of Shidao Bay-1 began in December 2012 and reports have said that commercial operation is scheduled for the end of 2017. The HTR-PM is a Generation-IV reactor design, which has twin reactor modules of 100 MW each driving a single 200-MW steam turbine. Its fuel is in the form of thousands of six-centimetre graphite pebbles containing uranium enriched to 8.9% uranium-235. Instead of cooling water, the reactor’s graphite core is bathed in inert helium gas with an outlet temperature of up to 750 °C.