The dome structure has been completed at unit 4 of the Barakah NPP in the United Arab Emirates. The dome is a structural component of the containment building, which houses the nuclear reactor vessel, steam generators and other major equipment. The unit's reactor coolant loop pipe welding and the setting of other key equipment have also been completed, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) said on 9 April.
Barakah NPP comprises four Korean APR-1400 units being built for Enec by a consortium led by Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco). Construction began in 2015, and continues to benefit from lessons learned and experience gained by the teams responsible for the construction of the other three units, Enec CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi said. Unit 4 is now 67% complete. In March a ceremony marked completion of construction at Barakah 1. The unit is currently undergoing a "comprehensive review in preparation for operations", Enec said. It must receive an operating licence from the UAE's nuclear regulator, the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), before fuel loading can commence and operations begin. Units 2 and 3 are now 92% and 81% complete, with overall completion of the four-unit plant at 87%.