Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission on 29 September completed dome placement at unit 3 of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said. This marked the end of civil construction and the start of equipment installation at the Chinese-supplied Hualong One unit (also known as HPR1000).
The nuclear island was completed at Karachi 3 in June, and pre-introduction of major components, including the reactor pressure vessel and steam generators, was completed earlier in September. The nuclear island was completed in less time than it took to complete the same work at unit 2, also a Hualong One reactor.
Karachi 2 and 3 are China’s first export its Hualong One pressurised water reactor design. Construction of unit 2 began in 2015 and unit 3 in 2016, with commercial operation scheduled or 2021 and 2022, respectively.
Pakistan currently has 1355MWe of nuclear generating capacity from five operating units: a small PHWR at Karachi, and four Chinese-designed pressurised water reactors at Chashma. A further Hualong One unit is also planned for construction at Chashma.