Two Doosan Babcock employees have been awarded SkillWeld 2010 Gold medals at the competition final held in April 2010. Four of the 10 finalists were Doosan Babcock employees and were selected from 170 applicants from across the UK. SkillWeld is a UK welding competition.

One winner was B. Avaient, who works at EDF/British Energy site Hinkley B. The other works at oil-fired power station RWE Fawley.

Iain Miller, CEO, Doosan Power Systems said: “The SkillWeld 2010 competition raises the profile of basic engineering skills and apprenticeships that are vital for this country’s success in the power industry. Doosan Babcock has an ongoing commitment to develop, nurture, and celebrate welding excellence, and we are proud of our winner’s achievements and their commitment to growing their skills.”

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