The bill was approved on 30 April by the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources by a vote of 13-10. Committee chairman Senator Pete V Domenici said: "This legislation moves America toward a future of hydrogen fuels and advanced nuclear energy – two clean energies with no airborne emissions. I consider both to be the cornerstone of our energy future.
"The electricity title also moves America’s electricity generation and transmission into the future. We ensure reliable and affordable electricity to every American. We repeal antiquated laws that have cost consumers billions of dollars and prohibit onerous federal meddling that could cost consumers billions more. We increase penalties for market manipulation and enhance consumer protections." The Energy Policy Act of 2003 incorporates the Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 2003. This would amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to extend to 1 August 2017, "the authority to indemnify Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensees, Department of Energy (DOE) contractors, and nonprofit educational institutions." The Energy Act would also direct the energy secretary to conduct energy research and development programmes concerning: energy efficiency; distributed energy and electric energy systems; and renewable, fossil, and nuclear energy. Specific areas for programme implementation include nuclear energy research programmes and university nuclear science and engineering support.