Analysis and comparison of most relevant mid- and long-term energy scenarios for EU and their key underlying assumptions.

Contact: European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, Directorate H — Nuclear Energy, Complexe Euroforum, 1, rue Henry M. Schnadt, Zone d’activités Cloche d’Or, Attn: Mrs Deborah Evans-Byk, EUFO 4285, L-2530 Luxembourg. E-mail: Fax +352 4301-30139.

Internet address(es):

The study would have to answer to the following questions:

— what are the priorities of each of the energy scenario studies under investigation?

— do these studies analyse the implications of, for example, more market — or more policy-driven objectives, e.g. with regard to assumptions/intentions vis-à-vis environmental goals, security of supply goals, economic goals (competitiveness in broad terms might have to be defined), technological and industrial policy goals, etc,

— based on these implicit/explicit basic assumptions, what would be the necessary socio-economic pre-conditions (market liberalisation, centralised versus decentralised electricity networks, investment, societal changes, etc.), and the resulting socio-economic implications (energy prices, societal changes, etc.) for all stakeholders in Europe (EU, Member States, industrial sector (utilities, industrial consumers), public at large) if the resulting evolutions actually materialised?

— specifically, what are the detailed underlying assumptions with regard to nuclear development (lifetime extension, new builds, fuel cycle options, regulation, financial and investment risks, etc.)?.

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met:

Specific qualifications:

The tenderer must possess the necessary qualifications to perform the study, i.e.:

(1) Proven experience in the management of comparative studies in the energy sector, dealing with scenarios on future energy consumption and the use of different energy technologies, including nuclear, under different political, socio-economical and technical conditions.

Qualification criteria are:

leading role in such type of studies on national, regional, European and/or international levels during the last 5 years;

publication of corresponding results in/at international peer-reviewed journals/conferences.

(2) The team performing the work should notably include persons with:

university degrees in a pertinent discipline — such as (energy) economics, energy planning, power engineering — and with at least 5 years proven experience in energy studies;

successful participation in national or international projects dealing with European policies in energy planning, use of different energy technologies, climate change and/or nuclear development.

Generic qualifications:

Generic qualifications for the team of experts are:

1) Excellent communication skills; proven experience in dealing with clients of a widespread geographical and cultural origin, and particularly with different types of stakeholders in energy-related decision-making processes (governmental institutions, research/academia, non-governmental institutions, utilities, vendors, technical support organisations, etc.), as verified from past project experiences.

2) Very good command of at least 2 of the Community’s official languages (of which at least 1 at excellent level).

3) Very good computer skills.

If several service providers/subcontractors are involved in the bid, each of them must have and show that they have the professional and technical capacity to perform the tasks assigned to them.

Tenderers should provide with their offer a detailed curriculum vitae of each staff member responsible for carrying out the work, including their educational background, degrees and diplomas, professional experience, research work, publications and linguistic skills.

The CVs shall be presented, preferably, in accordance to the Commission Recommendation on a common European format for curricula vitae, published in OJ L 79 of 22.3.2002, p. 66.

Tenderers should provide a list of the main services and tasks delivered during the last 5 years as well as related amounts, dates and beneficiaries with mention of the sector they belong to (private/public).

Tenderers should indicate the part(s) of the contract (if any) which the service provider intends to subcontract.