US decommissioning company EnergySolutions is thought to be preparing to bid for part or all of the British Nuclear Fuels subsidiary British Nuclear Group (BNG), that is set to be broken up and sold.

Managing the Magnox reactor sites is likely to be the key objective for any bid, giving the company a strong position in the UK decommissioning market. The Project Services specialist decommissioning arm of BNG is also understood to be of interest to EnergySolutions as it would enable the company to grow in Europe. EnergySolutions has already bought BNG America and is bidding to manage the UK’s national repository of low-level radioactive waste, located near Drigg in Cumbria together with BNG, Jacobs Babtie and Fluor.

Fluor also recently made a pitch for BNG in its entirety but has apparently been rebuffed by BNFL management which sees the best value in breaking up the group.

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