As a member of the African Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Development of Nuclear Science and Technology Research (AFRA), Ethiopia is set to enhance its utilisation of nuclear technology. This announcement was made by the Minister of Innovation and Technology at the 35th meeting of the AFRA Technical Working Group.

AFRA, established in April 1990, is an intergovernmental agreement among African member states designed to bolster the continent’s contributions to socioeconomic development through nuclear science and technology, with an annual budget of €10m. It provides a framework for member states to enhance cooperation through programmes and projects that address their shared interests.

While the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is not a party to AFRA, it provides crucial technical and scientific support. This support includes financial and administrative assistance, following the principles, rules, and procedures outlined in the IAEA’s technical cooperation programme.

In May, Ethiopia revealed plans to establish a nuclear science & technology research centre in the country, with students being sent to China and Russia for advanced studies in this field. Addressing the 25th regular session of the House of Peoples’ Representatives, Minister of Innovation & Technology, Belete Mola said discussions are underway with Russia’s Rosatom regarding the centre’s construction following the completion of a feasibility study.