Exelon Nuclear has turned to a single contractor – a joint venture of Stone & Webster and Newberg-Perini – to provide construction, maintenance and installation services for all 17 of its nuclear units at 10 sites.
Under a five-year contract, which began 1 September 2001, the Stone & Webster/Newberg-Perini team will perform equipment maintenance and modification work, mostly during outages. No details regarding the value of the contract were released.
Exelon Nuclear said use of a single contractor will help it streamline operations, standardise its refuelling programme fleet-wide and reduce costs. “Applying their expertise fleet-wide will provide both financial and operational benefits,” said Oliver D Kingsley Jr, Exelon Nuclear’s president and chief nuclear officer. “Exelon Nuclear has a competitive advantage in economies of scale, and we’re taking advantage of it,” he said.
The Stone & Webster/Newberg-Perini team will work with Exelon Nuclear employees to bring the industry’s best practices to the company, make sure refuelling experience is applied at all sites, and look for ways to complete more work with Exelon employees rather than with contractors.
The Stone & Webster/Newberg-Perini team already performs maintenance and modification work at Exelon Nuclear’s Braidwood, Byron, Clinton, Dresden, La Salle and Quad Cities in Illinois. The company will perform additional work at the Limerick, Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island 1 stations in Pennsylvania and Oyster Creek in New Jersey from 2002. Last year the team completed 16 refuelling outages, two of which broke records for Exelon.