The first reserve diesel generator (RDES – Reservnoi Dizelnoi ElektroStantsii) has been commissioned at unit 1 of the Akkuyu NPP under construction in Türkiye. Rosatom equipment commissioning specialists launched the installation from idle and began preparations for a phased verification of its operation under load.
Akkuyu NPP will eventually host four Russian-designed VVER-1200 reactors. The pouring of first concrete for unit 1 took place in April 2018, for unit 2 in June 2020, for unit 3 in March 2021, and for unit 4 in July 2022. Rosatom is constructing the reactors according to a build-own-operate model. Unit 1 is expected to begin operation in 2025. In July Akkuyu NPP reported that some 70% of the equipment and systems installed at unit 1 had already undergone commissioning.
Each of the Akkuyu plant’s units will have three back-up diesel generator sets (DGUs Dizel Generatornii Ustanovki) – two DGU emergency power supply systems and one DGU normal operation system. The power of each installation is 6.3 MWe. They are designed to power the main technological equipment of the station in case of disconnection of an external power source before the reactor unit is transferred to a safe state. Each DGU is located in a separate building near the main buildings of the NPP.
To ensure launch reliability, each DGU is equipped with a duplicate start-up scheme, which is carried out by signal from control security systems. The project provides for the possibility of remote launch of diesel generators from a unit or back-up control point, as well as from its own back-up power plant shield. Diesel fuel reserves at the RDES are designed for autonomous operation of units during the day. In total, the NPP has a fuel reserve for the operation of each diesel generator set for at least six days.
Each RDES diesel generator is equipped with autonomous systems for fuel, cooling, oil, starting air, heating, ventilation, and power supply for its own needs.
After launch of the DGU, about 50 control operations will be carried out in various operating modes. After the specialists are convinced of the reliability of all systems when working at a nominal power level, the installation will be transferred to duty mode or normal NPP operation. The time required for the RDES to begin operating does not exceed 15 seconds from the receipt of the start signal. The whole process takes place in automatic mode. In addition, putting diesel generators on duty is a prerequisite for starting cold and hot testing of the reactor unit.