Russia’s RES Engineering has shipped the first batch of pumping equipment for the El Dabaa NPP under construction in Egypt. The equipment belongs to the 4th safety class and meets all quality standards, the company said.
The pumps were carefully checked during the acceptance inspection, which took place at the manufacturer in the presence of the customer. All documentation, certificates and processes correspond to the relevant quality assurance category.
“These are the first console pump units for El Dabaa. They are made of superduplex steel 2507. These units used electric motors from a new manufacturer – XEMC,” said leading engineer Vladimir Andriyashchenko.
El Dabaa NPP will comprise four units with generation III+ VVER-1200 pressurised water reactors. The NPP is being constructed in accordance with contracts that entered into force in 2017. The $30bn project is mainly financed through a $25bn Russian loan. Rosatom will supply nuclear fuel throughout the lifecycle of the plant, arrange for the training of the Egyptian personnel, and assist in the operation and maintenance of the plant for the first 10 years. The reference plant for El Dabaa is the Leningrad-II NPP. Construction of all four units is planned for completion by 2028-2029, and Egypt expects that the NPP will reach full capacity by 2030.