Power utility Fortum said low-pressure turbines at its Loviisa NPP in Finland are to be modernised. The modernisations, starting in 2026, are part of the lifetime extension-related investments consisting of continuous improvements to ensure reliable electricity production until the end of the plant’s lifetime. This will also increase the total capacity of the plant by approximately 38 MWe, increasing the output of the power plant during its lifetime by approximately 7 TWh.

In February 2023, the Finnish Government granted a new operating licence for the power plant until 2050. Over the course of the new licence period, the power plant is expected to generate up to 177 TWh.

“Extending the lifetime of the power plant is a major investment with a positive impact – both economically and in terms of employment,” said Sasu Valkamo, Loviisa NPP Senior Vice President. “Modernising the low-pressure turbines is our first significant investment in preparation for the lifetime extension. Our aim is for the power plant to operate during the new operating licence period just as stably, reliably and safely as it has so far.”

It is estimated that the investments related to the lifetime extension will amount to approximately €1bn ($1.08bn) by 2050. Over the past five years, Fortum has invested approximately €200m in refurbishing the Loviisa plant.

Fortum has signed an agreement for the turbine modernisation with Doosan Škoda Power. The modernisation will be carried out in conjunction with the normal annual outages. “Doosan Škoda Power is a seasoned turbine supplier, and we have good experiences working with them. In our previous modernisation project, Doosan Škoda Power also supplied us with high-pressure turbines,” Valkamo noted.

In the turbine project, eight low-pressure turbine housings and their internal parts will be renewed. The project will significantly improve the efficiency of the turbine plant’s electricity production without increasing the thermal output of the reactor. The modernisation is will not impact the reactor plant or nuclear safety.

Loviisa was the first NPP in Finland. The power plant has two Soviet-supplied VVER-440 units that began operation in 1977 and 1980. The operating licences for the units were renewed in 1998 and 2007. The current licences must be renewed by the end of 2027 and 2030. In 2018, the plant completed the largest modernisation programme in its history, which included the full renewal of the plant automation system.