France’s Framatome and Rusatom Automated Control Systems (RASU, part of Rosatom) have signed a contract to provide technical support for the design and system integration of an automated process control system (APCS) for the Hanhikivi 1 nuclear power plant under construction in Finland. 

Framatome will provide consulting services for the design and system integration of process control systems and RASU will analyse the design documentation, and carry out technical management and integration of work.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to apply our competencies and strengthen our partnership with RASU on the Hanhikivi 1 NPP construction project,” said Frederic Lelyevre, Senior Vice President Sales, Regional Platforms and Process Control Systems at Framatome. “This contract is another important milestone in our cooperation with RASU, confirmation of the uniqueness of our competencies in the field of automated process control systems for NPPs of Russian design.”

RASU general director Andrey Butko noted that Framatome has significant experience in implementing innovative solutions and technologies in the nuclear power industry. “The signing of the contract will contribute to the formation of our Finnish colleagues' understanding of how we comply with the safety requirements of the NPP construction customer and deliver the APCS equipment within the timeframes set by the project,” he emphasised.

Denis Simagin, director of process control systems for the NPP supplier – Finnish company RAOS Project Oy (part of Rosatom’s REIN division) noted that the Hanhikivi 1 project is at the licensing stage.

“The main task of this stage is the preparation of design and technical documentation for the systems of the NPP. The documentation will be included in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report submitted to the national regulator of Finland for the safety assessment. Cooperation with Framatome will make it possible to apply the experience and best practices of partners in the design of process control systems and licensing of nuclear power plants in Finland and other EU countries and on the Hanhikivi-1 project.”