Framatome ANP has been awarded a contract by Energy Northwest to supply nuclear fuel reloads at the Columbia Generating Station in 2003, 2005, 2007 and possibly for two additional cycles in 2009 and 2011. Framatome ANP also will provide an advanced core monitoring system.

The 1150MWe boiling water reactor is located near Richland, Washington, about 10 miles from Framatome ANP’s fuel fabrication plant. Framatome ANP will supply ATRIUM-10 fuel assemblies.

Framatome ANP was awarded the contract through a bidding process that began in June 2001. In addition to the reload fuel, Framatome ANP will also equip the plant with the POWERPLEX-III core monitoring system. The accuracy of the system enables the plant operator to reduce the number of control blade sequence exchanges, thereby keeping the plant running at a higher capacity factor.