China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said the generator stator has been installed at the ACP-100 small modular reactor (SMR) demonstration project at the Changjiang NPP in Hainan Province. The multi-purpose 125 MWe SMR (also known as Linglong One) is a pressurised water reactor designed for electricity generation, urban heating, urban cooling, industrial steam production, or seawater desalination.

The generator for the ACP100 consists of a stator, a rotor, a cooler and two bearing boxes. The 130-tonne generator stator, which is 6 metres long was installed on the generator base within the conventional island. CNNC noted that the small site area increased the difficulties of the hoisting. “The generator stator needed to be hoisted by two cranes, passed through the maintenance hoisting hole to the steam turbine platform, and finally placed on the generator base, which required extremely high positioning accuracy.” The installation of the generator stator “has laid a solid foundation for the subsequent installation of the steam turbine generator unit”, CNNC added.

CNNC began development of the Linglong One in 2010, and it was the first SMR project to pass an independent safety assessment by International Atomic Energy Agency experts in 2016. Its integrated pressurised water reactor (PWR) design was completed in 2014 and it was identified as a key project in China’s 12th Five-Year Plan. The design, which has 57 fuel assemblies and integral steam generators, was developed from the larger ACP1000 PWR. It incorporates passive safety features and could be installed underground.

CNNC formally launched the project in 2019 and China’s state council approved the ACP100 Science & Technology Demonstration Project in 2021 and first concrete was poured in July that year. The lower section of the containment shell of was hoisted into place on in February 2022 and the last tank of concrete for the nuclear island’s underground retaining walls was poured the following August. Once completed, the project will produce enough power to meet the needs of 526,000 households, CNNC said.

There are already two operating CNP600 power units at the Changjiang site, and construction of the two Hualong One power units began in March and December 2021 for operation by the end of 2026.

Researched and written by Judith Perera