Kevin Walsh has been named as senior vice president of General Electric Hitachi’s global nuclear fuel cycle operations and CEO of Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF), the nuclear fuel joint venture of GE, Hitachi and Toshiba.

Walsh succeeds Lisa Price, who was named general manager of corporate business development for GE in China. In her new role in China, Price will be responsible for GE’s business development center of excellence based in Shanghai to support GE’s inorganic growth initiatives and drive mergers and acquisitions in China.

In his new role, Walsh assumes leadership of all nuclear fuel cycle activities for GEH and GNF, which includes boiling water reactor fuel fabrication, mixed oxide (MOX) fuel design and component supply, fuel engineering services, advanced reactor and fuel recycling technologies, uranium enrichment and isotopes. GNF operates fuel fabrication facilities in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA and Kurihama, Japan, and also has a European BWR fuel joint venture with Enusa Industrias Avanzadas, S.A. (ENUSA) of Spain. Walsh, a 25-year GE veteran, has served as senior vice president for nuclear services for the past three years.

Walsh’s near-term priorities include:

-Overseeing the Global Laser Enrichment (GLE) test loop project.

-Continuing to shepherd GEH’s development of its proposed Generation IV PRISM reactor and Advanced Recycling Center (ARC) as the federal government works to develop a new national strategy for managing used nuclear fuel.

-Continuing GNF’s development of a new fuel tailored to GEH’s next-generation Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR), which is progressing in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s design certification review.

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