The southern Germany BWR is planning a modernisation programme. It is planning to convert its analogue controls to digital for reactor coolant pumps, and in control room control and monitoring, according to an annual press conference at the station.

The plant is also planning to renew and modernise its condensate cleaning systems that feed into the turbine. The operation will remove deposits and corrosion products from piping systems.

The plant employs 780 workers, hiring 38 to replace those departing. The plant also employs 43 apprentices, and plans on hiring 30 more.

Unit B generated 10.9 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2009, nearly seven percent more than last year. The availability was 92.6 percent. On 18 January it passed the 250 billion kilowatt hour mark for electricity production, a record for BWRs worldwide.

Unit C generated 10.8 billion kilowatt-hours, about 3.5 percent more than in 2008. The availability was 91.7 percent.