An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Operational Safety Review Team (Osart) team of experts said France’s EDF has improved operational safety by addressing all suggestions made in a 2014 review, but noted that some further work is needed. Osart missions review a utility’s central functions that affect operational safety on all its NPP sites. Follow-up missions are standard and are typically conducted within two years of the initial mission. The Osart team noted that “satisfactory progress” had been made on some suggestions from the 2014 mission, but that they still required further time and work. The team said EDF should complete work to improve training and improve the analysis of events and associated action plans. The team said EDF had already improved the availability of public information on emergency preparedness and widened the scope of the periodic safety review process to cover a broader range of safety factors. EDF operates 58 nuclear reactors across France.