An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team said that Norway is committed to strengthening its regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety but noted areas needing further enhancement.
The news came after a mission hosted by the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA). The 20-member team comprised 16 senior regulatory experts from 15 countries as well as three IAEA staff members and one observer.
“Norway has demonstrated a strong commitment to nuclear and radiation safety,” noted mission team leader Johan Anderberg, Director at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. “This team has identified a number of opportunities to further enhance the regulatory framework in order to promote efficiency and consistency while maintaining a high level of safety.” Ole Harbitz, Director General of DSA, added: “We will now revise our action plan to follow up on the important recommendations and suggestions from the IRRS mission.”
Norway operated two research reactors for producing medical isotopes and research purposes. However, Norway closed its last unit recently decommissioning of both units is expected to begin in the near future. Norway also has is a disposal facility for low- and medium-level radioactive waste. Norway also plans new medical irradiation facilities at hospitals in Oslo and Bergen.
The team identified, as good practices, Norway’s long term international partnerships on strengthening global nuclear safety, and the formal cooperation among its various regulatory authorities. It recommended establishment of a comprehensive national policy and strategy for safety; and a national policy and strategy for used fuel and radioactive waste management, including decommissioning. It said DSA should finalise the development of an integrated management system across the entire organisation.