The Norwegian government proposes to increase the allocation for handling nuclear waste and nuclear facilities for Norsk Nukleær Dekommisjonering (Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning – NND) by NOK168.5 million ($15.7m), to a total of NOK968 million in 2023, NND has said.

The allocations are distributed as follows:

  • NOK512 million for NND;
  • NOK443 million to the Department of Energy Engineering (IFE) at Kjeller;
  • NOK11 million to the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries; and
  • NOK2 million for the Euratom programme via the Research.

“The government has clearly listened to NND's budget input and given the agency the funds that are requested and needed. It is also gratifying that the Directorate for Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety (DSA) is being given increased resources,” said NND's Director Pål Mikkelsen, commenting on the 2023 State Budget. “This partly means that DSA will be strengthened in relation to, among other things, processing of NND's licence application, and partly that NND can continue the planned development of the agency."