The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is expected to deny technical safety aid to Iran for a reactor under the agency’s Technical Cooperation Programme.

Following a briefing from to the 35-member board of governors, most participants are understood to have agreed to halt financial support for a reactor that could be used to produce plutonium. Seven other Iranian civilian nuclear projects will not be affected.

In July, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution in which it called upon Iran to resume suspension of all its enrichment and reprocessing activities.

Brieifing the board IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei said: “The report before you makes clear that Iran has not suspended its enrichment related activities. In addition, the IAEA has not been able to make any further progress on resolving the outstanding issues. This is due to the decision by Iran to limit its cooperation with the Agency to the implementation of the safeguards agreement, and to link any further cooperation – particularly the needed transparency measures – to the on-going consideration of Iran´s nuclear programme by the Security Council. The IAEA is therefore unable to move forward in its efforts to confirm the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran.”

However, Iran has recently agreed to provide access to the operating records of the Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant.