Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant has so far delivered around 6.2TWh of energy to the grid in the last three years, the plant reported on 26 February, during a site visit by theHead of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi. During the same period, the number of Russian experts at the site have been reduced from around 300 to about 25.

The Nuclear Power Plants Maintenance and Support Co (TAPNA) presented Salehi with a report on the maintenance currently underway at the plant and discussed the expanding  role of Iranian experts and companies and decrease in the work undertaken by Russian contractors. The report outlined the company’s future plans for replacing about 200 Russian technicians and experts with Iranian experts.

Salehi also visited the site where two new units are scheduled to be constructed and it was decided that the site would be assigned to Russian contractors for excavation.  Bushehr NPP currently comprises one unit with a Russian supplied VVER-1000 reactor, which began operation September 2011.