Sweden’s ISEC Monitoring Systems has been awarded a contract to supply its Process CCTV system for the new SPRS Retreatment Plant (SRP) at the Sellafield site in the UK. This turnkey camera system was awarded to ISEC by NG Bailey, Key Delivery Partners to help deliver the site's decommissioning programme over the next 20 years. This is the fourth significant contract that ISEC Monitoring Systems has been awarded in the UK over the last two years.

The Sellafield Retreatment Plant (SRP) is the central nuclear waste unit in the UK and will provide safe storage of special nuclear material for at least 100 years. It is one of the first projects to be delivered through the Programme & Project Partners (PPP), a 20-year contract awarded to four organisations and the Key Delivery Partners for Sellafield’s decommissioning programme.

A turnkey CCTV system is required to allow remote monitoring of the process areas to ensure secure operations for the operators at Sellafield. The contract covers design, system documentation, procurement, assembly, delivery, and on-site commissioning. ISECs customer is NG Bailey, who will in turn deliver the overall communication system. In terms of ISEC’s delivery, the contract value is £964,425 ($2.3m).

Image: The SPRS Retreatment Plant at Sellafield