Italian state-owned decommissioning and waste management company Societa Gestione Impianti Nucleari (Sogin) has announced increased revenue from decommissioning activities in 2017 at €63.2m, 13% more than the average of €53.8m from 2010 to 2016.  

Sogin said it had achieved a "strong rebound" in decommissioning activities while implementing an internal process aimed at rationalising and reorganising its structure. For the first time in its history, Sogin has reduced staff and related costs, with employee numbers down by 94 compared with March 2016, a saving of €5.9m. Staff costs have decreased from €92.1m in 2016 to €86.2m in 2017. 

Nuclear decommissioning costs related to nuclear fuel management decreased by €26m following renegotiation of a reprocessing agreement between Sogin and the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). Sogin’s goals for 2018 include remediation projects at the fuel element processing and fabrication plant in Rotondella, and preparation for the dismantling of the reactor pressure vessels at the Trino and Garigliano nuclear plants. The company also hopes to complete decommissioning of the Bosco Marengo uranium enrichment plant in northern Italy.