The first unit of Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS-1) which has been undergoing Renovation & Modernization (R&M) since July 2008 achieved criticality on 31December 2010.

The unit is due to be synchronized with the grid after completion of regulatory tests and clearance by India’s Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).

The work carried out during the R&M campaign at KAPS-1 included En-masse Coolant Channel Replacement (EMCCR), En-masse Feeder Replacement (EMFR) and safety upgrades including in-core repairs, using indigenously developed technology.

The KAPS were placed under IAEA safeguards in December and are loaded with imported fuel.

Kakrapur, in Gujarat, has two CANDU 220MW PHWR reactors which started operation in 1993 and 1995 respectively. Construction of units 3 and 4 started in November 2010.

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