Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) hosted the Korea-Czech Republic Nuclear Power R&D Cooperation Symposium at the Marriott Hotel in Prague. The symposium was organised as part of international energy research activities supported by the Korean and Czech ministries of trade, industry, and energy to cooperate with the aim of winning a new nuclear power plant project in the Czech Republic. It was attended by more than 40 leading figures and experts in the nuclear energy field from both countries.

Tomáš Ehler, Director General of the Czech Ministry of Industry & Trade, and Hong Young-ki, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Czech Republic, delivered opening remarks, emphasising the importance of continued technology exchange and research cooperation. Presentations were made on the major achievements of Korea-Czech Republic joint research and the progress of the ongoing joint research (2022-2025). This included the delivery of the Korean APR1000 NPP core simulator to the Czech Technical University which provided an opportunity to expand technical exchanges in the field of mutual education and training.

"Through networking and technical exchanges with Czech nuclear experts, we will further solidify the foundation for cooperation between the two countries, and we look forward to the continued mutual growth of the nuclear industry based on this partnership," said KHNP President Shin Seong-cheol.

Image courtesy of KHNP