Korea Power Engineering Company (KOPEC) has won a contract for the APR+ standard design development project. The project will involve designing both the balance of plant and nuclear steam supply system for the next generation Korean reactor.

KOPEC’s nuclear power division and reactor engineering & development team are to complete the project within one year from May 2009 to March 2010. The APR+ standard design development project will then be extended to 2012 when the Nu-Tech 2012 agreement between the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy is modified.

The project involves the development of a project management system and engineering management system, economy and constructability evaluation, conceptual and basic design in the area of BOP design. The NSSS design includes technical support of standard design planning, development of system design criteria, management of interface design and design data control, design parameter analysis, development of engineering data, system design requirements and system descriptions.

Korea is currently building the first two of its domestically-designed APR1400 reactors: Shin-Kori 3 & 4. The Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy has also approved the construction of two more at Shin-Ulchin, where site preparation is due to start in August.

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