Canada’s L-3 MAPPS has received an order from GE Energy Control Solutions to implement the new GE EX2100e main generator excitation control system on the Cernavodă full scope simulator in Romania.

Cernavodă is a two-unit CANDU pressurised heavy water reactor station, owned and operated by Romania’s state-owned utility Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A.

As part of the project L-3 MAPPS will replace the legacy non-graphical GE Generrex main generator excitation system model with a graphical model of the new GE EX2100e. The human-machine interface (HMI) will be simulated using L-3 MAPPS’ Orchid® Control System software, which will provide plant operators with a high-fidelity training environment to practice plant startup at power operations with the new main generator excitation system.

L-3 MAPPS says work is already underway and should be completed in the third quarter of 2016. An initial version of the model and HMI will be installed by the end of 2015, and training is scheduled to begin in early 2016, before the new excitation system is installed. L-3 MAPPS will offer support to fine-tune changes once the system beings operation.

"We are pleased to have our first opportunity to work with GE and to make a further contribution to the Cernavodă simulator project for our longtime customer SNN," said Michael Chatlani, vice president of marketing & sales for L-3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation. "We expect this project to pave the way for future collaboration between GE and L-3 MAPPS."

Photo: Cernavoda simulator (Credit: L-3 MAPPS)