L-3 MAPPS has won a new order to supply a full scope operator training simulator for Belgium’s Tihange 1 nuclear power plant, from the plant operator Electrabel.

Work will begin immediately, and will be led by Tractebel Engineering, the engineering arm of Electrabel. The simulator is expected to enter service between January and March 2016.

The Tihange 1 full scope simulator will be equipped with full replica control room panels.All plant systems will be simulated in L-3’s Orchid simulationenvironment. These include the reactor, nuclear steam supply systems, balance of plant systems, the electrical AC and DC distribution systems, and I&C systems. The electrical grid, including the main generators and transformers, will be modeled using a separate product – FAST from Tractebel Engineering.

"All plant systems will be simulated in L-3’s Orchid simulation environment."

First order from Electrabel

The order is L-3’s first from Electrabel. It will also be the first nuclear power plant simulator that L-3 MAAPS has supplied in Belgium, according to a list of projects on the company’s website.

"Through our extensive diligence, it became clear that L-3 MAPPS had the best track record for the supply of full scope nuclear plant simulators," said Michel Deboeck, Tihange 1 long-term operation project manager for Tractebel Engineering. "We have every confidence that L-3 MAPPS will deliver an excellent product with its Orchid® platform."

L-3 MAPPS vice president of marketing and sales Michael Chatlani said "L-3 MAPPS is delighted to add Electrabel as a new customer, allowing us to further cement our position in Europe."

Tihange 1 is a 1009 MW (gross) three-loop pressurized water reactor, located in the Walloon province of Liège, in central Belgium. The plant was commissioned in 1975 and following approval from the Belgian nuclear regulator (FANC) in July 2012, it expected to operate until 2025. Tihange 1 is jointly owned by French utility Électricité de France and Electrabel.


Photo: The Tihange nuclear plant (Source: L-3 MAPPS)