L-3 MAPPS has won an upgrade contract to equip the full scope simulator at China’s Ling Ao Phase II with a severe accident simulation model. Slated for completion in early 2014, the upgrade will enhance training scenarios that simulate degraded reactor core conditions, L-3 said.

Work begins immediately. It involves equipping the simulator with the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP5), software that performs severe accident analysis for nuclear power plants, including assessments of core damage and radiological transport.

New 2-D and 3-D animated, interactive visualizations of the reactor vessel, containment building and spent fuel pool will also be added "to provide operators with additional insight into the behaviour of the plant during severe accidents." The 2-D graphics will be enabled with L-3’s Orchid® Control System and 3-D visuals will be powered by Bridgeworks© from TriLink Systems, according to L-3.

Ling Ao Phase II comprises two 1080 MW CPR1000 nuclear generating units (Ling Ao 3&4), which began commercial operation in September 2010 and August 2011, respectively. The units are owned by Ling Dong Nuclear Power Company and operated by Daya Bay Nuclear Power Operations and Management Co., Ltd. (DNMC).

The simulator built by L-3 MAPPS in cooperation with AREVA and Siemens, entered into service in August 2009. The new upgrade will enable the simulator to be used for new training scenarios relating to degraded reactor core conditions that result in fuel melting, including cladding oxidation and hydrogen generation, vessel failure, containment failure and fission product release.

Michael Chatlani, vice president of marketing & sales for L-3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation, commented: "Since the Fukushima accident in 2011, we have seen increased demand for severe accident simulation on real-time nuclear plant training simulators."