Canada-based L3 MAPPS has won a contract from the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) to upgrade the simulator (FA3) for unit 3 of the Flamanville NPP with a Framatome European Pressurised Reactor (EPR ).
The FA3 simulator is one of four pressurised water reactor (PWR) simulator configurations that can be operated on the Simulateur d’Observation du Fonctionnement Incidentel et Accidentel (SOFIA).
The original FA3 simulator entered into service in September 2011.
The upgrade involves modifications to align its FA3 plant models with the latest plant design information. The simulator upgrade will be carried out as a joint project between IRSN and Canada-based L3 MAPPS, which supplied the original simulator.
“The simulator configuration upgrade will allow IRSN to improve its personnel training and safety analysis studies capabilities related to the Flamanville 3 nuclear power plant,” commented Robin Dorel, IRSN project manager for the SOFIA simulator.
The project includes modifications to the plant models in L3 MAPPS’ Orchid® Modelling Environment. The electrical and hydraulic systems will also be updated by IRSN, which L3 MAPPS will modify the safety and operational instrumentation & control systems. IRSN will also upgrade the human-machine interface in L3 MAPPS’ Orchid® Control System software with L3 MAPPS’ support. Integration and testing will be shared by IRSN and L3 MAPPS.
The SOFIA simulator hosts four French plant configurations, the CP2 (900MWe), DPY (1300MWe), N4 (1450MWe) and EPR (1650MWe). It is opened an operated by IRSN, a public establishment with industrial and commercial activities that is under the joint supervision of France’s Ministries of Defence, the Environment, Industry, Research and Health.
Photo: The SOFIA simulator (Credit: IRSN)