Canada’s L3 MAPPS announced on 22 February that it has won a contract from Bruce Power to replace the existing Bruce B unit 6 Digital Control Computer (DCC) system with all-new hardware. Three DCCs will be delivered to Bruce Power. The first unit (DCC-Z) will be used as a maintenance platform and is due to be installed in the first quarter of 2018. The other two DCCs (DCC-X and DCC-Y) are redundant units for plant operations and are expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2019.

Bruce Power SiteDCC systems are used to monitor and control the major reactor and power plant functions at Candu NPPs. The new DCC system will feature the latest SSCI-890 CPUs and will replace the legacy Varian V72 computer systems and related equipment to ensure continuous, safe and reliable performance over the service life of the plant.

“Replacing the DCCs at the Bruce site is an important element of the Life-Extension Program at Bruce Power,” said Mike Rencheck, President & CEO of Bruce Power. “Bruce Power’s Life-Extension programme will mean the Bruce site will continue to power the province until 2064.” Bruce Power supplies 30% of Ontario’s power at 30% below the average residential price. The Bruce site, hosts eight Candu reactors in Tiverton, Ontario and is the world’s largest operating NPP.