Russian nuclear utility Rosenergoatom on 3 August confirmed the safety of the new units of the Leningrad NPP, The second stage of the Leningrad NPP (Leningrad II) was the subject of the first ever comprehensive safety inspection of VVER-1200 power units. For 10 days, Rosenergoatom studied various areas of the plant's activities including operation, maintenance and repair, engineering support, emergency management, radiation protection and radioactive waste (RW) management, as well as training and the qualifications of operating personnel. The inspectors also interviewed the managers and personnel of the Leningrad II and monitored the activities of operating and maintenance personnel during work shifts.

“The planned comprehensive audit included the widest range of issues in ten areas of activity and once again confirmed that the new power units are operating safely and reliably, in accordance with the design specifications and Russian and international requirements for nuclear and radiation safety,” said Chief Engineer Alexander Belyaev. “In general, any inspection is extremely important for a plant, making it possible to view the production process from the outside, see strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement and recommend using the experience of other nuclear facilities. After all, safety is a criterion for evaluating all our production processes and an absolute priority over any tasks. "