The generation 3+ VVER-1200 reactor at unit 1 of the Leningrad-II NPP has successfully passed the final test and is ready for commissioning. The tests lasted 15 days and confirmed that the equipment and systems operated safely, effectively, reliably. Vladimir Pereguda, director of the Leningrad NPP said the work had been completed two months ahead of schedule. The complex testing was the final stage of the pilot operation and commissioning for commercial operation will follow after confirmation from regulator Rostechnadzor. The final step will be approval from the acceptance commission of nuclear utility Rosenergoatom.

The Leningrad-II NPP will replace the existing Leningrad NPP which operates four ageing 1,000MWe RBMK units. A second VVER-1200 is already under construction at Leningrad-II and two more are expected to follow. The general designer is Atomproekt JSC and the general contractor, Titan-2 JSC.

Start-up operations of the new Leningrad unit began in December last year, when the first fuel assemblies were loaded, and the reactor was brought to the minimum controllable power level in February and connected to the grid in March. Leningrad II-1 is scheduled to enter commercial operation before the end the year, and will be the second VVER-1200 reactor to begin commercial operation, following the launch of Novovoronezh-II unit 1 in 2016.  

Once the new capacity is in full operation, unit 1 at the Leningrad NPP, which began operation in 1974, will be closed down in December 2018, Pereguda said. Decommissioning will take at least eight years.