US utility Dominion Energy has announced its intention to relicense North Anna Power Station in Virginia for an additional 20 years, as part of its strategy to maintain low-carbon emissions in the State.

Dominion has informed the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission that it expects to submit a licence renewal application for North Anna 1&2 in 2020. Both units at North Anna are three-loop Westinghouse pressurised water reactors, licensed to operate until 2038 and 2040.

"Renewing North Anna Power Station's licenses for a second 20-year period is the right thing to do for our customers, the regional economy and the environment," said Daniel G. Stoddard, chief nuclear officer for Dominion's nuclear division.  A licence renewal would enable the units to operate until 2058 and 2060.

Dominion has previously announced plans to file a licence extension application for Surry 1&2 in Virginia, in spring 2019. If the licence is renewed, Surry will be able to operate until 2052 and 2053.

The company said it expects to invest up to $4 billion on upgrades to North Anna and Surry as part of the relicensing process.

Dominion also operates two reactors at its Millstone nuclear plant in Connecticut. In 2005 NRC renewed the facility's operating licence for a 20-year term, so the licence for Millstone 2 will expire in 2035, and in 2045 for Millstone 3. Dominion said it might consider a further renewal for Millstone, but has not decided to do so at this time.