Ukraine’s Rovno nuclear plant on 16 July received a licence from the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate to extend the operation of the Rovno 3 VVER-1000 reactor by 20 years until 2037.  

After extensive modernisation, which began in December 2017, the unit is scheduled for reconnection to the network on 24 July.  The regulator approved 20-year licence extensions for Rovno 1&2 (VVER-440 units) in December 2010. 

Construction of Rovno started іn 1973. The first two VVER-440 power units were put into operation іn 1980 and 1981, and Rovno 3 with VVER-1000 reactor – іn 1986. Іn 1990 further construction was suspended but was resumed іn 1993, with Rovno 4 put into operation іn October 2004. 

Ukraine has 15 nuclear units in commercial operation at four sites: Khmelnitsky, Rovno, South Ukraine and Zaporozhe. All the reactors are operated by state-owned nuclear utility Energoatom. Other units which have undergone life extension are South Ukraine1&2, and Zaporozhe 1, 2 and 3, all VVER-1000 reactors. 

Photo: Rovno nuclear plant (Credit: Energoatom)