The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a Final Request for Proposal for management and operations of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plan (WIPP) located in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The successful contractor will manage the WIPP site and DOE’s National Transuranic Waste (TRU) program.
DOE anticipates awarding a competitive, cost-plus-award-fee contract with an approximate value of $135 million per year, for five years. There will be an option to extend the contract for five additional years.
The overall mission of the WIPP and the National TRU program is to protect human health and the environment by safe management, retrieval, characterization, and disposal of approved wastes.
Services to be performed under the WIPP management and operations contract include:
• Management and operation of the WIPP Disposal Operations Receive TRU waste packages under the National Transuranic Waste Program from generator sites and conduct characterization, retrieval, remediation, and re-packaging of waste
• Maintain and operate all site facilities and systems
• Comply with the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Renewal Permit, which assigns specific responsibilities between DOE and the WIPP operating contractor
• Maintain uninterrupted operations and adjust to mission changes, unexpected work scope, and unforeseen complexities associated with radioactive waste disposal operations
• Provide justification and prepare for modifications and renewals to the Hazardous Waste Facility Permit (HWFP) issued by the State of New Mexico
• Propose Research and Development (R&D) initiatives to improve operational efficiency of WIPP and the National TRU Program
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