Regis Matzie has retired as Westinghouse’s senior vice president and chief technology officer after 34 years in the commercial nuclear power industry. Kate Jackson has been appointed as his successor.

Westinghouse president and CEO Aris Candris praised Jackson’s progress within the company, which she returned to in 2008 after 17 years at the Tennesee Valley Authority.

“Since returning to Westinghouse, where she began her career as an engineer in the former nuclear technology division, Kate has made significant contributions to the formulation of our new technology development process,” Candris said. Jackson, who earned masters and doctorate degrees in engineering and public policy from Carnegie Mellon University, was also a postdoctoral fellow at the National Academy of Engineering in Washington, DC.

Candris praised Matzie’s work over his career. “Among many other things, his efforts were instrumental in helping the Republic of Korea develop a forward-looking nuclear energy programme.” Matzie was appointed to his final role in October 2001. He joined the company as vice president in 2000, when Westinghouse purchased ABB’s nuclear business. Matzie graduated from the US Naval Academy, served in the US nuclear submarine programme for five years, and then earned is masters and PhD from Stanford University.

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