In accordance with the provisions of Chapter VII of the Euratom Treaty, the European Commission maintains measurement systems in nuclear installations across the European Union. For design, production, supply and repair of components of these systems, mechanical services are needed.

This is a framework contract with 1 contractor for mechanical services, which will include the design, development, counselling, maintenance, service/repair of the mechanical parts of equipment associated with these activities as well as the preparation of tooling and supply of materials as required for particular tasks.

The total indicative value of the contract has been estimated at maximum 200 000 EUR (up to maximum 4 years). The exact amount paid will depend on the orders placed and the work performed.

File reference:



European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy
Jean Monnet Building — main entrance, rue Albert Wehrer, plateau de Kirchberg
Attn: Tatjana Bogucarska, EUFO 3451
2920 Luxembourg

Internet address(es)

General address of the contracting authority